Are LED Fairy Lights a Fire Hazard if Left on for 24 Hours?

Leaving LED fairy lights on for long hours may raise concerns about fire safety, but the truth is a bit more complicated. Here’s what you need to know.

LED fairy lights are designed to be energy-efficient and typically don’t pose a fire risk. However, leaving them on for extended periods could still lead to overheating, especially if they’re poorly made.

Wondering if your LED fairy lights can catch fire when left on? Here’s what you should check to keep them safe.

Are LED Fairy Lights Safe?

LED lights, including fairy lights, operate at lower temperatures compared to traditional bulbs. They generate much less heat, making them safer to leave on for extended periods. However, this doesn’t mean they’re entirely risk-free. If the lights are of poor quality or if the wiring is faulty, they could overheat, potentially becoming a fire hazard.

How to Ensure Safety

  • Use high-quality LED fairy lights: Ensure you’re purchasing from trusted manufacturers who meet safety standards.
  • Avoid overloading circuits: Don’t plug too many lights into one socket or extension cord.
  • Turn them off when unattended: Even if LED lights are safer, it’s good practice to turn them off when you’re not around.


LED fairy lights are generally safe but should still be used with caution to avoid any fire risks.

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